March 10, 2006

SF Writers, I need your help!

As you may know, I'm loaded with over a million dollars of grant money, mostly from NASA.  Almost all of that is earmarked for quasar research in one form or another.  NASA allows successful investigators to propose for additional funds for education and public outreach.  I've had this idea to form a new workshop for writers, but nothing like another Clarion clone.  This would be a two-week workshop to teach more science, primarily astronomy, to writers who want to improve the quantity and quality of the science in their science fiction.  People continue to learn from stories after college, and future scientists are often inspired to adopt their careers by an early interest in science fiction.


I tried to get the funding last year, but failed.   I'm trying again this year, revising the proposal in response to the reviewers comments.  They wanted to see that there was a market for this sort of workshop, so I'm trying to collect responses from writers at the survey link below.  Please fill out the survey and tell your writer friends about it.  Thanks!

Click here to take survey

Posted by Mike at March 10, 2006 12:38 AM