False Dichotomies and Science/Science Fiction

November 24th, 2009

This is just going to be a short post tonight on a topic I have discussed before and will likely continue to discuss.

Politics in the United States has become so polarized that few politicians cross party lines.   It is one team vs. the other, rather than real issues with real solutions that are not solved by the mindless application of simple positions.

While politics is the most clearly visible example of false dichotomies plaguing us today, we have them in both science and science fiction and they are quite similar: style vs. substance.

Too many people on both sides see it as an either or.   Scientists care about getting all the substance right, and getting it all in, with little care for the style of presentation or the reception.   Too often they feel like the facts, no matter how boringly presented, should speak for themselves.   On the flip side, writers and filmmakers and a lot of other folks don’t worry about getting the details all right, or even mostly right, but only seem to care if the final product is cool and well received by a large number of people.

In short, the science side cares only about substances.   The Hollywood crowd and most of the public primarily care about style.   Both sides seem to want to pick a side, and align with it.   This is somewhat ludicrous.

Why can’t we start with the premise that BOTH ARE IMPORTANT?!

A scientifically accurate presentation is fatally flawed if it is correct but boring.

A gripping, entertaining bit of science or science fiction is flawed if it is fun but inaccurate.

It isn’t either/or.

It can be both.   There’s a solution in essentially every case.     Flawed movies can be fixed.   Boring documentaries can be enlivened.

More on the details of this coming soon as time permits, but the first step is setting aside the limiting beliefs that style and substance are mutually exclusive.   That’s small-minded thinking on exhibit.


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