The Science of Spider Star

March 7th, 2008

“A dark-matter world holds the key to a weapon from the heart of a sun.”

That’s the tagline on the cover.   My new hard science fiction novel, Spider Star, was published by Tor this week. I’m pretty happy to finally have the book out, the current expression of my attempts to make my career in astronomy and my interest in writing synergistic.

I wanted to make a very general post highlighting a few of the key sciences/technologies I featured in the novel. In coming days/weeks, I’ll have some more specific posts discussing each of these in more detail.

Stellar Evolution. The story begins on a planet called Argo in orbit around the star Pollux. Pollux is an evolved giant star. The ancient extinct aliens that once inhabited Argo somehow moved their planet as Pollux evolved off the main sequence into a giant. Getting the timescales right and making them work for this was a little tricky (I recommend StarClock as a great tool!). The technology of the planet moving is a key plot element.

Dark Matter. I wrote a brief introduction to dark matter and posted it few months back. The Spider Star, and this isn’t much of a spoiler, is a giant alien space station that sits in the gravity well of a dark matter planet. I leaned on some speculative astrophysical papers by theorists David Eichler and Robert Foot for not only inspiration, but actually calculating some of the complicated details of the world building.

Gravity. The planet moving and the details of life in, on, and throughout the Spider Star relies on understanding gravity. I got to have a lot of fun describing how things work in these strange environments. Some of those counter-intuitive freshman physics problems get trotted out and exploited in the story. Travel in the Spider Star is accomplished through evacuated tubes, letting you go from place to place along the travel web in the same 45 minutes, using only gravity, no matter the distance. Local “surface gravity” changes with altitude.   And more.

Interstellar Travel. I have a lot of different technologies in the book for dealing with interstellar travel, many I mentioned in a recent post.   My favorite one in the book involves dark matter. I invented an alien device called “the Bully” because it pushes WIMPs around for thrust.


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