Argentus Celebrates Neptune

July 12th, 2011

Launch Pad is sucking up all my time, but I wanted to point out an article I wrote that’s just been released.  Check it out:

Neptune has just completed its first full orbit since being discovered in 1846. Steve H Silver marks the anniversary in his latest issue — Argentus: Neptune [PDF file] — with articles by Mike Brotherton, Michael A. Burstein, Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, Marianne Dyson, Heidi Hammel, Bill Higgins, Chris McKitterick, Christian Ready, Diane Turnshek and himself. There’s also artwork from Kurt Erichsen, Brad W. Foster, Sue Mason, MO Starkey, and Steve Stiles.

[Thanks to Steven H Silver for the story.]

My contribute focuses on the moons of Neptune.  Triton is pretty damn interesting.


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